“In it’s current form, fast fashion cannot be sustainable.” – Tara Stringer, Professor at the Queensland University of Technology.

If you actually imagine what your clothes go through before they get into your hands, you might want to think twice before you buy it. 

If consumers consider the ethical, environmental and behavioral issues that arise before a piece of clothing lays on their body, they will realize an ugly truth about the fast fashion industry.

For those that do not know, fast fashion is cheap clothing that you wear a few times before you throw it out or it breaks; however, we will be going into greater detail about this industry to shed light in its dark past and future.

On this website you will learn more about the impacts fast fashion has on the world. We will first look at the tragic Rana Plaza case study seen above. Next, we will peer into fast fashion’s brief past and its rapid rise to power. Then we will take a journey through the process of the fast fashion industry to see that they are environmentally exploitative, while simultaneously being ethically exploitative. Last, we will look at the pros and cons of fast fashion to better understand consumer behavior, why it is growing, and what steps you can take to be economical and fashionable, whilst still avoiding the ethical toll of buying fast fashion.

As our largest audience will be college students from Gettysburg College, it is important to realize that we are the biggest targets for these fast fashion companies (Su 2017). We do not have a lot money, yet we feel the need to find our identity and belong somewhere, which is why we try to resort to fast fashion.

The closet above is an example of this. We try to fit in by wearing a cute top for a party, we want to look our best, this is understandable. In no way are we saying that college students are at fault, it is the large corporations that take advantage of us through marketing and other means, hoping we are unaware of the environmental impact our purchases have.

However, through reading this story you will learn how you can be aware of the impacts of your purchases, while also realizing more ethical alternatives to fast fashion that won’t leave a dent in your wallet.

Come check out more about us by following these links! You can also check out our environmental journalism website as well!

About Annabel

About Ethan
